Typing & Growing

What’s your dream job?

I was never attracted to a fully work from home schedule, but with the idea of growing our family, it sounds more and more enticing. But at the same time, sitting in front of a computer all day distresses me. I am always one to be out in the yard or planning my next garden bed, so in an ideal world, I would love to work a small farm and sell produce at a farmer’s market or sell to local restaurants. But being more practical given our available land and resources at the moment, landscape or garden design might be interesting (though this would require more work out of the house), or blogging and freelance writing of all kinds is appealing as long as I can break the day up and work when it is convenient for me. I am not blind to ghe fact that any job will have its boring or irritating moments, but I believe my drive and motivation for these options would keep me inspired and chugging along for a while!

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